Senin, 11 September 2017

Doraemon's family

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         Suneo Honekawa (骨川 スネ夫 Honekawa Suneo, English dub: Sneech) is the fox-faced (inherited from his mother) rich child who loves to flaunt his material wealth before everyone, especially Nobita. A lot of the stories start with Suneo showing off some new video game, toy or pet which evokes Nobita's envy. He is often seen with Gian, teasing Nobita. He sometimes despises Nobita and often makes fun of him, most often resulting in Nobita getting into trouble. He also often pushes Nobita aside with silly excuses while he invites Gian and Shizuka to his parties or resorts. However, he is actually one of Nobita's closest friends, who would often ask for his and Doraemon's help. In the films, Suneo is often the one most reluctant to take part in Nobita and Doraemon's adventures, and he also tries to face as little trouble as possible and go home, unless others convince him, making him somewhat a coward. He has an extensive knowledge of science, and is a talented artist and designer, besides being extremely cunning.
         In some scenes, Suneo is seen as a narcissist who loves to stare at himself in the mirror while telling himself that he is the most handsome guy in the world. He is still a bed-wetter, despite being in the fourth/fifth grade. He considers this humiliating habit his secret weakness. His habit of bragging often lands him into trouble. Suneo is also very self-conscious about his height, being the shortest kid in his class. He likes steak and melon. They are many reasons why Suneo chooses Shizuka and Gian, except Nobita. It is because he wants to marry Shizuka in the future (as seen in an episode) and to not get harmed by Gian

Doraemon's family

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           Takeshi Goda (剛田 武 Gōda Takeshi) (born on 15 June, Gemini), usually known by the nickname Gian (ジャイアン Jaian, English: Big G) and Damulag in Filipino dub, is a strong and quick-tempered local bully who can fight at any time and with any kid he sees, especially Nobita. He also frequently steals other children's toys and books (especially Suneo's) under the pretext of "borrowing" them, unless the toy is damaged. He is known for his boastful confidence in his actually horrible singing voice, though he considers himself a great singer destined for stardom. To prove this, Gian sometimes "invites" others to attend his recitals and concerts, under the threat of beatings, which others would gladly avoid by listing various excuses or by hiding. His singing voice is so horrible that in a story in which Nobita and Doraemon try to mute it in a silent world, his writings of the song lyrics in a board end up having the same effect as when they hear them, and in some films, his singing is enhanced to become an effective weapon comparable to an explosion (as in 'Nobita's Great Adventure in the South Seas'). In some episodes when his voice is recorded and he hears it, he instantly denies it being his voice and threatens to beat up the person who sang his songs in a very bad way. Gian is also confident in cooking, but just like his singing, his hand-made food can be a nightmare for other people very easily.
          However, Gian does not hesitate to help his friends when they are in real trouble. Throughout the series, particularly the films, he is often the one who voices the most concern and refuses to look away when there is a problem, an opposite of Suneo's cowardice. While he is described by others as daunting and intimidating, he is very sensitive and prone to crying when something touching happens, and he actually values his friends highly, a feeling which his friends sometimes reciprocate. Gian also has a soft spot for his younger sister, Jaiko, and usually tries to prevent her from trouble, even if she can perfectly handle her situation.

Doraemon's family


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           Shizuka Minamoto (源 静香 Minamoto Shizuka, English dub: Sue Morris), nicknamed Shizuka-chan (しずかちゃん) is a smart, kind and pretty girl; she is Nobita's best friend and he has a crush on her. She does not shun Nobita due to the latter's failing grades, lazy disposition or constant failures; in fact she often tries to encourage him to do better, though she usually fails to convince him. Shizuka likes to take a bath several times a day, however, a running gag in the series is that Shizuka is often interrupted by Nobita's sudden appearance, usually due to misuse of Doraemon's gadgets such as the Anywhere Door, ending with Shizuka shouting "Go away, pervert!" to Nobita.
          Her true passions are sweet potatoes, which she would rather keep to herself out of the knowledge of others and the violin, in which her playing is even more horrendous than Gian's singing. She is also known for taking piano lessons unwillingly due to her mother's wishes (as she loves violin more), which is sometimes a reason for declining to hang out with friends (but she plays piano very well than violin). Shizuka is an animal lover and keeps two pets at home: a dog, who is saved from succumbing to illness by Nobita and Doraemon in one story; and a canary which runs away on multiple occasions and causing Shizuka and Nobita to run around the city chasing her down.
          Due to Doraemon's intervention, Shizuka will marry Nobita in the future. At present, she does not have any particular crush (other than on Nobita, whom she secretly likes very much), although she fancies some handsome idols on TV. Other than Nobita, Gian, and Suneo, Shizuka is also close to classmate and popular student Dekisugi which makes Nobita jealous; though they consider each other only as friends, Nobita often tries to prevent them from going together.

Doraemon's Family


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          Nobita Nobi (野比 のび太 Nobi Nobita, English dub: Noby Nobi,[5]) is a fourth grader and the only child to his parents. He wears glasses, a red or yellow polo shirt with a white collar, and blue or black shorts. Nobita is usually foolish, uncoordinated, lazy, dimwitted, weak, frail, childish and bad at sports. He dislikes books, possesses little basic scientific knowledge, thus unable to grasp even the definition of eclipse. He envies Dekisugi who is good at everything and close to Shizuka. He often takes any chance to get a nap and likes time-expanding gadgets, and is thus known as The Lazy King.
          Nobita's typical day consists of arriving late to school, falling asleep during class, scoring zero (0%) (F's in the English dub) on his tests, getting scolded by his teacher, being teased by his classmates Gian and Suneo, falling in the curbside rain gutters, getting chased by dogs after mistakenly stepping on their tails, getting grounded by his mother for not completing his homework, and being bullied by all his friends except Shizuka, who remembers Nobita's kind heart and cares for him. He is also a coward who is scared by almost everything, particularly ghosts, and a cry-baby (a running gag in the show has Nobita crying and asking for Doraemon to bring out his gadgets, mostly at the beginning of the episode). He dislikes going on outdoor activities with his interest being taking an afternoon nap or reading comics, usually right after school. In fact, sleeping and comic book reading are probably his only true hobbies; one story features Nobita falling asleep in three seconds just by closing his eyes, while in others he chooses sleep over important events, such as watching the first sunrise on New Year's Day. The only thing stopping him from staying at home all the time, other than experimenting with Doraemon's gadgets, is Gian and Suneo bullying him to participate in baseball games or criticisms from his parents and Doraemon to go out and play.
          Despite the above flaws, Nobita is usually portrayed as being kind-hearted, emotional, honest, occasionally hard-working (like when he gets into a wager with his friends) and sometimes courageous. He has often risked his life to help save others or even entire civilizations in full-length stories. Though he is shown to be academically poor, the reason behind it is principally his laziness, and he has also secured good marks in multiple episodes, proving his credentials. Nobita can be very serious and responsible at times. Nobita is weak at most things but does have some strengths. For example, Nobita has excellent marksmanship which rivals (or even surpasses) Dora the Kid. He can also weave excellent string figures, is a great shooter, and a fairly good comic book critic, owing to the huge amount of time he spends on reading them. He is also very creative when it comes to utilizing Doraemon's gadgets (in one episode, he found a way to profitably use a gadget called 'the broadcasting mirror', for advertising, even when Doraemon himself couldn't think of any use for it).
          In the original history where Doraemon did not interfere, Nobita marries Jaiko (Gian's sister, although he loves Shizuka), never finds a good job, starts his own business, and eventually goes bankrupt. Doraemon succeeds on his mission to prevent all these from happening, as seen in several episodes in which they travel to the future. Nobita eventually marries Shizuka and becomes an officer in the Ministry of Environment or a robot engineer in other versions.

Doraemon's family


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          Doraemon (ドラえもん Doraemon) is the titular character of the series. He is a cat-like robot created for Nobita from the future[1] but people often think that he is not a robotic cat but a raccoon dog, and he does not like that, as seen in many episodes. He is sent to the Matsushiba Robot Factory (マツシバロボット工場) as blueprint, and is sent back in time by Sewashi (Nobita's Great-great-grandson) to aid Nobita, since Sewashi learned from his parents that Nobita suffered much in his life and wanted to help him. Doraemon possesses a 4-dimensional pocket from which he can acquire various kinds of futuristic tools, gadgets, and playthings from a future department store. He also has the tendency to panic during emergencies, characterized by him frantically trying to pull out a very much-needed tool from his pocket, only to produce a huge assortment of household items and unwanted gadgets. Still, Doraemon is very friendly and intelligent, not to mention long-suffering because of Nobita's antics. Since Sewashi sent Doraemon to the past, Doraemon has been living as the unofficial fourth member of Nobita's family and acts like a second son to Nobita's parents, since despite being a robot, he requires basic needs for a person, such as eating, and also sleeps in the closet of Nobita's bedroom.
          Doraemon's physical appearance changed as the manga progressed. At first, he was predominantly blue, with a blue tail, a white stomach, and flesh-coloured hands and feet. He also stooped, and had a body much larger than his head. In later issues, he sported a smaller body, white hands and feet, and a red tail — the appearance most identify him with today. In "The Doraemons" story arc (and the 2112: The Birth of Doraemon short film), it is revealed that Doraemon's original paint color was yellow. After getting his ears gnawed off by a robot mouse at the 22nd century Nobis' residence, he slipped into depression on top of a tower, where he erroneously drank a potion labeled "sadness". As he wept, the yellow color washed off and his voice changed due to the potion. As a result, he developed a morbid fear of mice despite being a robotic cat, and he is now suffering from musophobia.
          Doraemon weighs 129.3 kg (285 lb) and measures at 129.3 cm (4 ft 3 in) tall. He is able to run at 129.3 km/h (80.3 mph) when scared and jump 129.3 cm (4.242 ft) when threatened. His maximum power is 96.4 kW (129.3 bhp). His waist, head, and chest circumference are all 129.3 cm. His feet are 129.3 mm in diameter. One can turn Doraemon off by pulling his balloon tail. Doraemon is considered a substandard product because many of his robotic features (i.e. radar whiskers and cat-calling bell) malfunctioned after production due to an accident in the factory while he was being built. Due to this malfunction, Doraemon did not do well at the robot's school and during the final presentation show, he performed badly and nobody wanted to hire him, until baby Sewashi pushed the button. His parents were a bit reluctant, but since Sewashi liked him, they hired Doraemon, and he took care of him until Sewashi himself sent him to the past to take care of Nobita. Despite this, Doraemon shows a lot of intelligence and common sense. Whenever he hangs out with his friend Mii-Chan (a cute street cat), he calls it 'important and busy work' as excuses for not doing work when Nobita or his mother ask him to do something when he will be going out with Mii.
          Doraemon's favourite food is dorayaki (どら焼き) (known as "fudgy pudgy pie" in the English version of the manga, "yummy buns" in the English, and "dora-cakes/bean jam buns" in other versions), a Japanese treat filled with red bean paste. While it might explain the origin of his name, it was revealed in one of the manga chapters that his name originates from the Japanese word nora neko (のら猫) for "stray cat", and the -emon (衛門) ending which is part of traditional Japanese names, as seen also in, for example, Ishikawa Goemon.[2][3][4]

Senin, 04 September 2017

Doraemon's family


Doraemon (ドラえもん Doraemon?) adalah judul sebuah manga dan anime yang sangat populer yang dikarang Fujiko F. Fujio (藤子・F・不二雄) sejak 1 Juni 1969 dan berkisah tentang kehidupan seorang anak pemalas kelas 5 sekolah dasar yang bernama Nobi Nobita (野比のび太) yang didatangi oleh sebuah robot musang bernama Doraemon yang datang dari abad ke-22. Doraemon dikirim untuk menolong Nobita agar keturunan Nobita dapat menikmati kesuksesannya daripada harus menderita dari utang finansial yang akan terjadi pada masa depan yang disebabkan karena kebodohan Nobita.
Setelah gagal dalam ulangan sekolahnya atau diganggu oleh Gian dan Suneo, Nobita selalu mendatangi Doraemon untuk meminta bantuannya. kemudian Doraemon biasanya akan membantu Nobita dengan menggunakan peralatan-peralatan canggih dari kantong ajaibnya. Peralatan yang sering digunakan misalnya "Baling-baling Bambu" dan "Pintu ke Mana Saja". Sering kali, Nobita keterlaluan menggunakan peralatannya dan malah terjerumus ke dalam masalah yang lebih besar.


Doraemon's family

DORAEMON Doraemon  ( ドラえもん   Doraemon ? ) adalah judul sebuah  manga  dan  anime  yang sangat populer yang dikarang  Fujiko F. Fujio  ...